Real Estate Investment Training

Professional career & business development through repeated experiences & knowledge


What you'll learn

    • Antiques and Visual Art for interior Design.
    • Assessing and valuing Antiques and Collectibles.
    • Antiques, Collectibles and Arts Sales.
    • Collecting Antiques and Arts.
    • Nostalgic Toys and Games Online Shop.
    • Online Auction House for Rare Collectibles.
    • Repairing, Restoring and Upcycling Antiques.
    • Specialty Vintage Tech and Gadget Store.
    • Understanding Antiques, Arts and Collectibles.
    • Vintage Home Decor and Furnishings Web Store.
    • Vintage Jewelry and Watch E-Boutique.

    Register and get started

    icon 1 Enrolment Duration: 245 days per year 
    Languages: English
    Category: Antiques & Collectibles (Real Estates)
    Price for Non Members: €1,499
    Price for Members: €1,099
    Training Type: Practical Training
    Location: Online and Worplace


Our online antiques Practical Training are ideal for any level of antiques enthusiast, tradesperson and craftsperson or artisan looking to improve their professional skills and career and boost their Business through repeated experiences, knowledge, on-the-job training, an apprenticeship program. Whether you're looking to enhance your antique business for a sustainable economic growth, or build your antiques collection, upcycle your furniture, jewellery or vintage clothes; or want to value fine art, these practical training are also designed and created to develop your eye for antiques.

Who the Training aim at

Our Antiques Practicale Training is design for students, startups, professionals or experts and businesses, including the followings:

    • Antiques enthusiasts
    • Antiques Collectors
    • Antique Interior Designers
    • Antique Furniture Restorers
    • Antique Jewellery Restorers
    • Antique Textile Restorers
    • Upholsterers and upholstery repair specialists
    • Upholstery Developers
    • Vintage Home Decorators
    • Antiques Sellers
    • Antiques Auctioners
    • Antique and Vintage Mechandising Analysts
    • Antique and Vintage Jewellery Specialists
    • Antique and Vintage Jewellery Designers
    • Antique and Vintage Furniture Designers

Outcomes of the Training

    • Start a successful and growing career such as Interior Designer, Antiques Auctioner, Antiques Restorer or Upholsterer, Vintage Home Decorator, Antique and Vintage Mechandising Analyst, Antique and Vintage Jewellery Specialists, Antiques Collectors, Antiques enthusiasts and many other professional careers in reputable private or public companies or non-profit organisations.
    • Start an  Antiques, Collectibles or Arts Sales Business with your own Vintage Jewelry and Watch E-Boutique, Vintage Home Decor and Furnishings Web Store or Specialty Vintage Tech and Gadget Store or Nostalgic Toys and Games Online Shop or be engaged in other Antiques dealing business.
    • Apply the advanced methodologies available for ensuring organisational efficiency and effectiveness in terms of cost, process and performance.
    • Begin an antique collection adventure to make money for a decent living by buying and selling antiques.
    • Reduce your carbon footprint when you invest in them because purchasing antique furniture is more sustainable than buying new ones. Repurposing the Antiques items enables the nature to sustainably grow, helps you save more money. It also prevents material waste. So its eco-friendly.
    • As an Antiques Enthusiast, you can decide to buy and sell antiques for fun. It allows you to build a community and find friends who enjoy collecting. Many collectors enjoy the fact that antique and vintage items connect them to something bigger than themselves.

Training Method

We used advanced Practical training methods that helps you acquire the required skills and knowledge you need to effectively perform your jobs, excel at work, and sustainably grow your business. These training methods are:

    • On-the-job training. It is instruction for employees that takes place at work.
    • Roleplaying. which is usually executed with a trainee and a facilitator (or trainer), where each is allowed to act out different potential work scenarios.
    • Case studies. It is a important technique to develop your analytical and problem-solving skills. It is based on ither real or experienced scenarios that depict common work situation.

What support your receive

Based on our follow-up-and-support programme, our Pratical Training Platform, we will permanently assist our trainees develop their career or businesses, finding the right jobs to those who want to continue their career in public or private Company and sourcing out business opportunities to those who want to do business though our global business development platform.






Identifying your goals

We work closely with you to identify, define and set clear career goals for you prior onboarding a successful career development journey. it is paramount to define your objectives and goal vision n braek them down into manageable milestones.






Creating a clear roadmap

We walk you step-by-step through our strategic skills and career development process that is designed to focus on your goals. After assessing and setting your goals, we create you roadmap, on which we shall focus till its full execution.

All you practically need to improve your professional skills, enhance your career and boost your business

Introduction to Antiques

icon 1 Enrolment Duration: 245 days per year Resquest
Languages: English  
Category: Antiques & Collectibles (Real Estates)  
Price for Non Members: €1,499  
Price for Members: €1,099  
Training Type: Practical Training  
Location: Online and Worplace  

Agriculture is also a business that provides the global economy with commodities: basic goods used in commerce, such as grain, livestock, dairy, fiber, and raw materials for fuel. For example, fiber is a top crop and a necessary commodity for the clothing sector.

Why Is Agriculture Important?

A key to why agriculture is important to business and society is its output — from producing raw materials to contributing to the global supply chain and economic development.

Providing Raw Materials

Raw materials are a core building block of the global economy. Without access to raw materials, manufacturers can't make products. Nonagricultural raw materials include steel, minerals, and coal. However, many raw materials derive from agriculture — from lumber for construction materials to herbs for adding flavor to food. Corn, for example, is used to produce foods and serves as a foundation for ethanol, a type of fuel. Another example is resins plant products used in various industrial applications, such as adhesives, coatings, and paints used in construction.

Creating a Strong Supply Chain

Importing and exporting goods such as agricultural products requires shipping methods such as ocean freight, rail, and trucking. Delays in shipping agricultural products from a Los Angeles port can create problems in China, and vice versa, impacting the global supply chain.

For example, sales of soybean crops from Iowa External skyrocketed in 2021 due to various factors including delays in South American crop shipments, according to the Iowa Soybean Association. In this example, Iowa benefited from a competitive standpoint. However, delays in shipping crops could also be detrimental to regions expecting shipment, limiting availability of products on store shelves and affecting livelihoods.

Encouraging Economic Development

Agriculture impacts global trade because it's tied to other sectors of the economy, supporting job creation and encouraging economic development. Countries with strong agricultural sectors experience employment growth in other sectors, according to USAID. Countries with agricultural productivity growth and robust agriculture infrastructure also have higher per capita incomes, since producers in these countries innovate through technology and farm management practices to boost agricultural productivity and profitability.

Resources on the Importance of Agriculture

The following resources provide information about the importance of agriculture as a source of raw materials and its impact on transportation and contribution to economic development.

How Is Agriculture Important?

When global supply chains are disrupted, considerable attention is given to the technology sector. For example, the lack of computer chips – made from silicon, a nonagricultural raw material – limits a manufacturer's ability to make computers, cars, and other products. This impacts many areas of society and business.

Agriculture also plays a central role in meeting consumer and business market demand in a world with interconnected economies. Here are different types of products derived from agriculture.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are essential sources of fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates in human diets. Vitamins, such as A, C, and E, and minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus, are naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables. In addition to health benefits, fruits and vegetables add flavors to the human palette.

Animal Feed

Some fruits and vegetables are grown to provide feed for animals, from poultry to livestock. The American Industry Feed Association reports that about 900 animal feed ingredients are approved by law in the U.S. These include ingredients that come from agricultural production, including hay, straw, oils, sprouted grains, and legumes.

Natural Rubber Production

The number of vehicles in the world is more than 1.4 billion, according to Hedges & Company market research. Every single one runs on rubber tires. According to GEP, the top rubber-producing countries are Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia – collectively representing approximately 70% of global natural rubber production – and about 90% of suppliers are small-scale farmers.

Cotton for Clothing

From cotton to clothes, the journey starts with agricultural production. Cotton is grown, harvested, and then processed, spun, and woven into fabric before it becomes a piece of clothing. Cotton production encompasses an expansive global supply chain, and according to Forum for the Future, it's a leading commodity, making up approximately 31% of all textile fibers globally.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports favorable economics of biofuels, produced from biomass sources including agricultural products such as corn, soybeans, sugarcane, and algae. The benefits include reduced greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions and the potential for increased incomes for farmers. However, biodiesel production requires the use of land and water resources that can affect food costs.

Industrial Products

Bio-based chemistry involves using raw materials derived from biomass to develop industrial products. Different industrial products derived from bio-based chemicals include bioplastics, plant oils, biolubricants, inks, dyes, detergents, and fertilizers. Bio-based chemicals and products offer an alternative to conventional products derived from petroleum products. Bio-based chemistry is considered a type of green chemistry because it promotes the reduction of environmental impacts in industrial production.

Pharmaceutical Products

For thousands of years, humans have turned to plants to help treat what ails them. For example, ginger, a plant root typically consumed in tea, can help aid digestion. Substances derived from plants and herbs can also help in healthcare. For example, extracted chemicals from the foxglove plant are used for digoxin, a drug used for heart failure. Another example is polylactic acid (PLA), a chemical produced when glucose is fermented into lactic acid in green plants. PLA has applications in tissue engineering, cardiovascular implants, orthopedic interventions, cancer therapy, and fabrication of surgical implants, according to a study published in Engineered Regeneration.

How Does Agriculture Affect the Economy?

Agriculture can have a significant effect on the economy. For instance, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service reports that agricultural and food sectors provided 10% of all U.S. employment in 2020 – nearly 20 million full- and part-time jobs. Additionally, the USDA reported that cash receipts from crops totaled nearly $198 billion in 2020. Animal and animal product receipts weren't far behind in 2020, totaling $165 billion.

The interdependence of the food and agriculture sector with other sectors, including water and wastewater systems, transportation systems, energy, and chemical, makes it a critical engine for economic activity, according to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Agriculture also impacts economic development by contributing to the overall U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), directly and indirectly. It does so through farm production, forestry, fishing activities, textile mills and products, apparel and food and beverage sales, and service and manufacturing.

    • Farm production. The latest USDA data on farming and farming income report the U.S. had a little over 2 million farms, encompassing 897 million acres, in 2020. Farm production includes producing fruits, vegetables, plants, and varieties of crops to meet demand for agricultural products throughout the country and abroad.
    • Forestry and fishing activities. Agricultural activities include forestry and harvesting fish in water farms or in their natural habitat. Agroforestry focused on "establishing, managing, using, and conserving forests, trees and associated resources in a sustainable manner to meet desired goals, needs, and values," according to the USDA. A form of fishing activity known as aquaculture involves the production of fish and other sea animals under controlled conditions to provide food.
    • Textile mills and products. The S. cotton industry produces $21 billion in products and services annually, according to the USDA. The industry has created various employment roles, such as growers, ginners, and buyers working on farms and in textile mills, cotton gins, offices, and warehouses.
    • Apparel, food and beverage sales. Since agriculture is a business, selling products made from agricultural production is essential. A key aspect of the sales component in agriculture is to help growers build capacity and understand the market dynamics to meet the needs of customers, many of whom care deeply about Food services and eating and drinking places accounted for 10.5 million jobs in 2020, the largest share among all categories within the agriculture and food sectors, according to the USDA.
    • Manufacturing. Agricultural products contribute to the manufacturing of a huge variety of goods, including food and beverage products, textiles, cleaning and personal products.

Why Is Agriculture Important for the Future?

Agriculture offers an opportunity to improve the lives of millions of food-insecure people and help countries develop economies that create jobs and raise incomes. Today's agriculture also impacts future generations. To ensure the long-term success of the global agricultural sector, building a more sustainable economic system aligned with the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals is a crucial imperative to help create a more equitable society.

What does the property warranty do not cover?

These are, for example:

    • defects in items, their parts or accessories that were not included in the original delivery.
    • material defects or defects caused by work performed by someone other than the contractor,
    • defects arising from the use of the housing unit for non-residential purposes,
    • defects caused by improper handling,
    • normal wear.

How do you proceed with a complaint?

In the event of a justified complaint, we (MDAICReal) will agree with you on the basis of a given timetable to remove the defect in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Complaints Regulations. For this purpose, we will need have access to your unit and carry out the troubleshoot and evaluation of the defect for immediate repair.

What must be stated in the complaint?

When reporting your complaint, please indicate the followings in order to meet the requirements of the processing standards:

    • the date of the detected defect.
    • the detailed description of the defect, including any photo documentation of the defect, using the form below.
    • the name and address of the project, including street, unit number or place in the building and the exact location of the defect.
    • the proposal of the most suitable date for a visit.
    • contact (mobile phone or landline and e-mail) to confirm a possible visit for repair..

What happens if the owner does not cooperate with the contractor?

In the event that the property owner refuse to cooperate or does not provide the necessary data and information to the Project Developer (MDAICReal) for the adequate assessment and removal of the claimed defect as for instance by not allowing our technical team to access the unit within a maximum period of Sixty (60) days from the effective date of notification of the defect. In this case, the right to remove the defect shall unfortunately expires.




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  • Marcel DIONE


    Flag United States
    United States
    PROFILE: .
    Languages: French, English and Spanish.

    The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies.

    Contact us

  • Marcel DIONE


    Flag United States
    United States
    PROFILE: .
    Languages: French, English and Spanish.

    The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies.

    Contact us

  • Marcel DIONE


    Flag United States
    United States
    PROFILE: .
    Languages: French, English and Spanish.

    The property warranty is designed to cover the quality both residential and non-residential units, as well as the common areas of the building where the unit is located. The complaints procedure also applies to the technologies.

    Contact us



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