Tender Writing
Writing a tender always depends on the complexity and size of your project. The tender is always produced in accordance with the specifications or the complete development documents (e.g. technoeconomic studies, detailed technical designs, or bill of quantity of your EPCM, Procurement or Consultancy tender project, etc.). After receiving these basic documents, our team of experts will prepare the detailed scope of works and milestones, including all the resources required to sucessfully write the tender to the highest-quality possible. We write tenders to make projects succceed.
Do you need to write tender for an invitation to vendors (ITV), request for documentation (RFD), request for offers (RFO), request for proposal (RFP), request for quotation (RFQ), or request for services (RFS)? contact and get the best deals. Daily Rate From €659 + VAT.

Tender Preparation & Planning
Every tender has its own preparation and planning approach, which differs pursuant to the project size and complexity. On preparing and planning a tender, we lay emphasis on:
- Tender strategy, governance and resourcing
- Clear procurement objectives and market sounding
- Appropriate engagement strategy
- Accurate scheduling (key dates and time) during the tender process
- Tender evaluation, evaluation process, contract management
- management of probity (complete integrity, uprightness and honesty)
Want to prepare and plan your tender documents effectively, securing success? contact us now and et the best deals. Rate From €4,099 + VAT.

Tender Improvement
Need help to improve the quality of your tender, receive the right responses or proposals and achieve the best results for a successful implement your project? Contact us now and get the best deals. Experience has shown that majority of the tenders have challenges in identifying the right funding opportunities, reading and understanding procurement notices, and avoiding the most common pitfalls in tender participation.
Now it's time to stop being frustrated when you spend too much time and invest important resources into the production of tenders without seeing a return. We are here to help using the Best Available Techniques and the most advanced solutions that keep your business growing. Package: price from €3,779 + VAT.

Tender Publishing & Marketing
Need to effectively publish and market your tender and reach millions of quality bidders worldwide? Contact us and have your tender published and market on the global real platform, mdaglobalrealestate.com, a unique marketplace of all the real estate business industries and potential bidders, inluding EPC Contractors, Manifacturers, Architects, Designers, Procurement Companies, Consultants, Investors, Financiers, Realtors, Real Estate Agents, Property Managers, and many more.
We provide the best and most advanced tender solutions at the best deals. Our tender services includes tender Writing, Tender Prequalification and Qualification Analysis Services and others. We save you money and time and make you successfully achieve your goals without stress and anxiety. Package: price from €120 + VAT per month.

Tender Training
We offer a wide variety of tender training options and bespoke tender training programmes appropriate for each specific real estate project, each business or organisation and for every working team and professional.
Most of the Projects in developing countries failed due to luntrained and unqualified staff with serious challenges in identifying the right funding opportunities, reading and understanding procurement notices, and avoiding the most common pitfalls in tender participation. For instance in Nigeria, the privatization of the power sector failed and worsened due to unprofessional internal team. Need quality training. Contact us and get the best deals. Package: Unit price from €1,000 + VAT.
How can I create an Account?
It is easy to create an account. It just takes a couple of minutes to create an account on mdaglobalrealestate.com's tenders portal here. This account enables you access to a personalized dashboard and free access to some se products and services on the platform.
What is my username?
Your username is always your email address.
How can I modify or change my profile?
After logging in to the website, the user can edit personal data, change the login name and password, view my products, my product listings, favourite, privacy preferences, the purchase history and the progress of the last order. Otherwise, you can contact our help desk to info@mdaglobalrealestate.com or your account manager to make the changes on your behalf.
I have registered but haven't received any verification mail?
If you have not received the verification e-mail from us within 24 hours from your registration, please check your spam folder. Otherwise, you can contact us to info@mdaglobalrealestate.com or use the official contact form provided at the footer of each page of the portal with the subject "account verification" for our team to verify and confirm your account immediately.
Does “creating an account” give me access to tender details?
No, "creating an account" does not give you access to tender notice details. This account enables you access to a personalized dashboard and free access to some se products and services on the platform in accordance with your selected registration plan or package. Free registration, as defined in the registration is only limited to:
- Access to the summaries of global tender notices
- Specific and advanced search
- E-mail alerts on Upcoming Projects and Contract Awards
- Daily real estate tender updates
- E-mail alerts on global tenders and business opportunities
- Bid assistance services (e.g. helping you start processing a bid)
- Global real estate tender industry trends and data analysis
What are the Free Acount features and limitations?
With a free account, you can access the dashboard, make modifications to your profile, search for existing and new tender notices and view the tender notice summaries. As already specified above, your Free Account also includes:
- Specific and advanced search
- E-mail alerts on Upcoming Projects and Contract Awards
- Daily real estate tender updates
- E-mail alerts on global tenders and business opportunities
- Bid assistance services (e.g. helping you start processing a bid)
- Global real estate tender industry trends and data analysis
What are the subscription plans?
How to receive a daily alert?
How long is the Free Account active?
What payment methods do you accept?
Payment through Credit Card
It is automatically and directly carried out online to our PayPal Account.
Payment through Bank Transfer
You can also make payment to the following Bank account:
- Bank Name: Raiffeisenbank, a.s.
- Bank Address: Hvezdova 1716/2b140 78 Praha 4, Prague, Czechia
- Account Number: 502417375
- Account Owner Name: MDAICReal, s.r.o.
- Account Owner Address: Generala Selnera 3256, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia.
- IBAN: CZ9555000000000502417375
Do you store credit card and bank transfer details in your database for auto-renewal of subscription?
Can I cancel the subscription plan at any time?
Can I change my monthly subscription to annual subscription during the subscription period?
What are your refund policies?
How long is the Free Account active?
Getting started with Tendering Journey on mdaglobalrealestate.com
What is a tender?
Also known as an invitation to tender (ITT), or a call for bids (CFB) or a request for tenders (RFT), a tender is simply a formal, structured procedure for generating competing offers from different potential suppliers or contractors, called bidders, that are looking to obtain an award of business activity in works, supply, or service contracts, often from companies who have been previously assessed for suitability by means of a supplier questionnaire (SQ) or pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ).
Where can I find the latest and the best tenders?
The global real estate platform, mdaglobalrealestate.com of MDAICReal, is one of the best and most trusted tender information service portals that provides the most reliable information on real estate tenders, award of business activity in works, procurement, or service contracts, and bidding opportunities from more than 200 countries around the world. So browse through the real estate platform, mdaglobalrealestate.com, and get the best, latest and highest quality tenders in the world.
What is the largest tender portal?
The real estate platform, mdaglobalrealestate.com, has one of the largest real estate tenders, RFQs, Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Contract Awards database from more than 200 countries. With decades of experience in the global real estate industry (residential, commercial and industrial real estates), mdaglobalrealestate publishes more than 25,000 to 50,000 tender notices worldwide every day with the most advanced solutions and services.
What is a tender portal?
A tender portal, like mdaglobalrealestate.com of MDAICReal, is a digital platform that is used by businesses, agencies and organizations to publish their tenders and generate competing offers from different potential suppliers or contractors, called bidders, that are looking to obtain an award of business activity in works, engineering, procurement, construction, operations management, consultancy, or service contracts and bidding opportunities, often from companies in the public and private sectors. Tenders are accessible by sector (or business industry), by product, by country and by region and services.
What are all the tender services offered by MDAICReal?
Our global real estate platform, mdaglobalrealestate.com, provides all the real estate tender and bid services you need to successfully achieve high-quality tender and bid results. Our Tender services include preparing, writing, publishing and marketing your tender worldwide, using the most advanced online supports. Our bid services also consist of preparing and developing the bid documents using accurate and high-quality technical, commercial, financial economic and legal data collection from the proposed business industry (e.g. architecture, engineering, procurement or construction industries), data analysis and forecasting process. For more information, please browse through this page.
Why do I need to engage MDAICReal?
What are the sources of information and data collection of the tenders?
In what language is the tenders information available?
Generally, the original tender notices language is in the local or official language of the country of origin that shall always be translated all the languages of mdaglobalrealestate.com platform.
The real estate platform, mdaglobalrealestate.com, is provided with nore than 20 languages.
Tender processes & procedures
Are all public sector contracts or projects open tenders?
As a general rule, the public sector is always structured with transparent tendering procedures, allowing all tenders to be opened to eligible business. This procedure, commonly known as Open Procedure in many countries, permits any business to respond to a tender, access all related documents, and bid for the contract or the project. There are other procedures, which involve qualification stages such as pricing and quality procedures.
The Open Procedure can be used freely in any circumstances and for any type of contract and Framework Agreement. All interested bidders may submit their bid.
However, in some cases, it can be beneficial to choose a procedure where the number of the bidders can be reduced at the selection stage based on their capability and capacity, especially if the Tender Organiser or the Buyer does not have enough resources (e.g. time, complete working team, etc.) to organise and conduct a full Open Procedure.
Using the Open Procedure will depend upon the number of tenders received and the nature of the evaluation criteria. If the Organisation receives a large number of tenders, the evaluation of them is likely to be time consuming.
What is an Open Procedure?
The Open procedure is a one-stage procurement process that covers exclusion grounds, selection criteria and award criteria. An Open procedure means that any business can respond to a Tender or Contract Notice, request or download the related Procurement Documents, and submit a bid. All tenders must be evaluated in line with the methodology and criteria set out in the procurement documents.
Use of the Open procedure
The Open procedure is best used where:
- The requirements are typically straightforward, with a relatively simple Selection and Award Process; and
- It is anticipated that only a small number of Bidders will respond to the Tender.
Advantages of the Open procedure
- Increased competition due to the potentially high volume of responses
- Organisations of all sizes have the opportunity to submit a tender, increasing the opportunity for a number of innovative proposals or solutions
- Advantageous for simple and straightforward requirements (e.g. stationery) Providing full tender documentation (at the outset) enables candidates to make an informed decision as to whether they can satisfy the requirements, or choose to discount themselves from the competition
- Overall timescale reduced (no pre-qualification stage)
Disadvantages of the Open procedure
- Resource implications of a potentially lengthy tender evaluation (due to a high volume of responses)
- Increases the risk of challenge (more responses and time invested/transaction costs in preparing a tender as opposed to a Selection Questionnaire)
- Poor quality bids (due to the fact there is an increased chance of being unsuccessful and a limited timescale)
- No opportunity to discuss or refine bids
What is a framework agreement?
In the context of negotiations, a framework agreement is an agreement between two parties that recognizes that the parties have not come to a final agreement on all matters relevant to the relationship between them, but have come to agreement on enough matters to move forward with the relationship, with further details to be agreed to in the future.
In the context of procurement, a framework agreement is an agreement between one or more businesses or organisations, "the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged
These agreements give Buyers (or Bid OrganiserS) access to a range of qualified bidders or Suppliers, allowing them to avoid the need to continuously re-bid. Only the Bidders or Suppliers who register interest before the deadline may secure a place. Winning a place on a framework can result in multiple contracts over the duration of the framework.
What is a Dynamic Purchasing System?
A Dynamic Purchasing System or simply called as DPS, is an electronic system that can be established to purchase goods and services which are:
- commonly used by your Business, and
- readily available on the market
Using a DPS provides a simple, straightforward form of access to contracts for suppliers. When applied appropriately, it is a cost-effective method that can limit the need for complex tender processes and benefit both Bidder (or Supplier) and Tendering Company or Organisation. The approach lends itself well to self-limiting marketplaces, where new activity is to be encouraged.
What is a high-value tender?
This is a tender or a procurement of goods, services, facilities or construction in circumstances, where the value is higher than the value of the public procurement thresholds and must be published on the government portal.
What is a low-value tender?
A low-value tender is a tender with a value lower than the public procurement thresholds and is much smaller than a High-value tender, which makes it a great starting point for businesses entering the market for the first time. The procedures for low-value notices are usually simpler, and bidding for these provides suppliers with valuable experience to help them go after high-value tenders in the future.
What is a Competitive Dialogue Procedure?
A Competitive Dialogue Procedure (CDP) is a multi-stage tender process.
Typically, Expressions of Interest (EOI) are shortlisted at the pre-qualification stage and participants invited to initial dialogue sessions. The International Competitive Dialogue procedure of the Europe Union, herein called the OJEU process, is conducted in successive stages, with the option of reducing the number of bidders at each stage accordingly. Following closure of dialogue, final tenders will be invited and a preferred bidder identified.
During the OJEU process, the council will be open to innovation and current market initiatives as bids are refined.
Use of the Competitive Dialogue procedure
The Competitive Dialogue procedure is best used where the requirement is complex or not fully definable.
Advantages of the Competitive Dialogue procedure
- Restricts the number of Bidders (or Suppliers) invited to tender (making the tender evaluation more manageable)
- Allows for more market innovation.
- Enables a best fit solution to be developed through detailed dialogue
Disadvantages of the Competitive Dialogue procedure
- Increased timescales
- Added resource cost and potentially high burden for both suppliers (making the contract opportunity appear unattractive to some) and Council
- Use of process has to be justified
What is a Competitive Procedure with Negotiation?
This reservation is not possible in the Competitive Dialogue Procedure (CDP). That said, the competitive dialogue procedure contains more flexibility around negotiation with the winning bidder (provided this does not modify the essential aspects of the contract or procurement or amount to a distortion of competition). It is not possible to negotiate following submission of final tenders if you are using the competitive with negotiation process.
Advantages of the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation
Can cut straight to award if negotiation is not required following initial bids
Disadvantages of the Competitive Procedure
Cannot negotiate detailed final terms with the winning bidder once selected.
What is a restricted (two-stage) procedure?
- Stage One (Selection) - Bidders or Suppliers are alerted to express their interest to a contract opportunity by obtaining and submitting a Selection Questionnaire (SQ); this will be used to establish their capability, experience and suitability etc. The purpose of the SQ is to select a shortlist of 5 (or more) BidderS or Suppliers that are likely to meet the tender requirements.
- Stage Two (Award) - Shortlisted Bidders or Suppliers that meet the selection criteria are then invited to bid. All bids are evaluated in line with the methodology and award criteria set out in the tender documentation.
Use of the Restricted procedure
The Restricted procedure is best used where:
- It is anticipated that a large number of suppliers will respond to the advertised Contract Notice; or
- The requirements are typically complex, with a relatively detailed Selection and Award evaluation process.
Advantages of the Restricted procedure
- Restricts the number of organisations invited to tender (making the tender evaluation more manageable)
- Enables a detailed Selection assessment (i.e. Stage one of the procedure)
- Helps improve the quality of bids (due to the fact there is an increased chance of a bidder being successful and the contracting authority has selected their shortlist of "pre-qualified" suppliers)
Disadvantages of the Restricted procedure
- Speculative SQ's being submitted due to the fact that the full tender documentation may be unavailable at the Selection stage
- Increased timescales
- Added resource cost and potentially unnecessary burden for suppliers (making the contract opportunity appear unattractive to some)
- No opportunity to discuss / refine bids